Library News Blog

SMP provides reports written by industry practitioners and technical writers on topics like facility security, IT and network security, financial and legal security, business continuity, biometrics, risk and crisis management, public safety, personnel security and security technology. About a dozen new reports are added every month.

FAITS provides reports on topics like wireless communications, data networking, security, streaming media, government IT topics, healthcare IT topics, information management, the internet and web.  Types of reports include technology tutorials, marketplace insights, product face-offs, product and service profiles, standards reports, comparison and selection guides, and more.

Please forward any comments to Nancy Egan at

CUNY+, the online library catalog shared by all the City University Libraries, has been experiencing technical difficulties this week.  Several attempts have been made to fix the problem and tonight more work will be done on the system from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., so CUNY+ will be unavailable at that time.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing contains the complete FULL TEXT of twenty-six premier psychoanalytic journals, complete versions of fifty-six classic psychoanalytic texts and all twenty-four volumes of the Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. It covers from 1871 to 2005. This trial will be available until Oct. 2, 2008.

Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works is a searchable collection containing real transcripts of therapy and counseling sessions and first-person narratives illuminating the experience of mental illness and its treatment, as well as reference works to contextualize the primary material. New material is added on a biweekly basis and, when complete, the database will contain more than 2,000 session transcripts, 40,000 pages of client narratives, and 25,000 pages of secondary reference material. The database currently includes approximately 42,400 pages of material, including more than 9,000 pages of session transcripts, more than 14,000 pages of client narratives, and more than 18,000 pages of secondary reference material. This trial will be available until Oct. 29, 2008.

Please send comments to Nancy Egan at

The Library has added a few databases to its already extensive list. You can now find: Westlaw Campus Research and New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. The library has also purchased the Dictionary of Old English A-G and the Dictionary of Old English Corpus. These last two can only be found in the CUNY+ catalog.

Some of the old familiar databases have changed. The Ebsco databases now have a different interface. Searching concepts are essentially the same, but the new interface makes narrowing down results more user friendly and efficient. This new version also allows for visual searching. Philosopher’s Index is now available on the Ebsco platform and Mental Measurements Yearbook and Project Muse have also changed their interfaces. In addition, the Web of Science now offers citation mapping—a visual representation of a citation search.

Nancy Egan is now the Electronic Resources Librarian (and still the Media Librarian) so if you have any questions or would like training on any of our databases, wish to request a trial of a database, or would like to make comments on a current trial, please contact her at

At the end of the summer, CUNY+, the CUNY Libraries online catalog, migrated to a new version. You probably did not notice a big change except for the slightly different color scheme. But there has been a nice improvement: when you use CLICS to request a book from another CUNY library now, you no longer need to specify which library it should come from; the system will make the choice for you. Just select the title you want and then click on Title Request in the orange bar. One word of caution: the system at present is not defaulting to “John Jay” as the pickup library, so make sure to select John Jay if that’s where you want the book sent.

The Library welcomes Prof. Karen Okamoto as our newest Reference Librarian. Prof. Maria Kiriakova, our Collection Development Librarian will be on sabbatical for Fall, 2008. Prof. Gretchen Gross will be Interim Collection Development Librarian. And Prof. Nancy Egan is now our Electronic Resources Librarian, but still, also, Media Librarian.

Kristin Chong is the new Assistant to the Chief Librarian/Department Secretary.

Contact information for everyone is, or shortly will be, on the Library Staff pages.

1515 mographic titles from the PsycBOOKS database have been loaded into CUNY+, the online library catalog.  PsycBOOKS is a database containing the full text of books published by the American Psychological Association (these 1515 titles) as well as more than 1,500 authored entries from the APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology.  Adding the information about these books to the library catalog means that readers who are searching there for a particular title that is part of the PsycBOOKS collection will discover that it is available online and will be able to click directly on the URL for access.

Classified Information: the Lloyd Sealy Library Newsletter, Spring 2008 issue, is just out. Look for it in print in or near your department mailbox or read it online.

Georgia State University is being sued by three publishers, claiming copyright infringement. The New York Times reported the story on April 16, 2008. More information and commentary about the case is being collected by the DigitalKoans blog.


Directions:   Start by searching for a book with the advanced search box.  Select a book from the results list and click on the book title.  You will be prompted to install the reader, if needed.   The ebrary reader is a simple Java application that works safely with your browser as long as the settings  accept cookies and the pop-up blocker is set to accept pop-ups from the ebrary site.  You will be asked for permission to download the application and prompted to accept the License Agreement.  The installation should only take a minute or so.  Check the Help menu for advice based on the browser you use.  

 With the ebrary reader installed, you now have access to the full-text of over 37,000 books from all academic subjects.  You will be able to search for your specific topics of interest within the library of books, locate subsections of books that may be of interest, read the whole book online, print selected pages, and make notes in your private folder.

Try this out and let us know your comments via this blog or send emails to