Faculty Resources

Instructional services
The Lloyd Sealy Library provides extensive resources and services to support your classroom teaching, including library class sessions and a complete guide to Information Literacy. To get started, please do watch our two minute video on Incorporating library resources into your online course.

Reserves how-to
How to put materials on in-library reserve and e-reserve for your students.

Interlibrary loan (ILL)
Books, articles, book chapters, and other items that the John Jay Library does not own and that cannot be requested through CLICS or through the media department can be ordered via interlibrary loan. (To request items through the media department, contact the Media Librarian, Prof. Ellen Sexton, by email or at (212) 237-8258.)

Faculty toolbox for online teaching
The Library supports online teaching!
CUNY Academic Works
CUNY's institutional repository is dedicated to collecting and providing free access to the research, scholarship and creative work of the University. Faculty are encouraged to post their works here.
Fair Use & Copyright
Resources from CUNY to help you make decisions that encourage both information creation and information sharing.
Keep track of your resources and generate bibliographies with this easy-to-use bibliographic management program.
Guides for faculty
- Information literacy
- Faculty scholarship resources
- Faculty & staff publications
- Linking to library materials via proxy server
- Open Access publishing
- Research data management
- Special Collections
Video collection (streaming, DVD, VHS)
The Library has over 2,000 videos on DVD or VHS, as well as over 10,000 subscription streaming videos. Videos on DVD/VHS are available to reserve for classes. If we don't have the video you would like to use, you may also make a video purchase request.
Suggest purchases
Suggest materials for the library to purchase.
Research funding databases
- Pivot: Comprehensive source of global funding opportunities. Users must set up individual accounts using their CUNY email.
- Grant Forward: Search engine dedicated to helping institutions and individuals find grants to fund their research. It provides a personalized funding recommendation service to simplify the grant search process. Please note that users have to set up individual accounts and will be recognized by their email domains.
Use of other libraries
Your faculty ID card provides access and borrowing privileges at the libraries in the CUNY system. The New York City metropolitan area contains a wealth of other research libraries as well. You may arrange for access to other university libraries for the use of particular items not owned by the CUNY libraries. Talk to a librarian at the Reference Desk (upper floor) or email us.
The WorldCat database is useful in determining locations for resources that are not in the CUNY system. WorldCat offers access to the catalogs of many, many research libraries worldwide.
New York Times and Wall Street Journal digital subscriptions
As CUNY faculty or staff, you have a complimentary digital subscription to the NYT and WSJ. Read the news on your computer & smartphone. CUNY students have a complimentary digital subscription too — please let your students know!