Library Services


    Circulation policies

     Information about borrowing and renewing books from the Library

book delivery

    Intra-CUNY book delivery (CLICS)

    If John Jay's library doesn't have the book you need, you can get it delivered from another CUNY campus.

I.L.L. book

    Interlibrary Loan (ILL)


  • John Jay faculty, staff, authorized research assistants, and graduate students can request items such as books, articles, book chapters, and dissertations that the John Jay Library does not own and that cannot be requested through CLICS or the media department via interlibrary loan.
  • Undergraduate students can submit requests for articles that are not available via the John Jay College Library.


   The Library has over 100 computers for students, faculty, staff, and researchers use.


Reserve a space and use our WiFi in our study rooms or media viewing room.