Databases freely available to the public


PhilPapers is a directory of online philosophy articles and books by academic philosophers and serves as the largest open access archive in philosophy. 

Access: Freely available to the public
DOI Finder Tool

Get persistent DOI links for your references or bibliography.

Access: Freely available to the public
OER Metafinder tool

This OER Metafinder tool from the George Mason University Libraries is a federated search tool that allows users to search metadata from seventeen digital libraries and repositories, including the Digital Public Library of America, OER Commons, OpenStax, MERLOT, HathiTrust, DPLA, Internet Archive and NYPL Digital Collections.

Access: Freely available to the public
Open Library

Open Library, a book digitization project of the Internet Archive, provides access to millions of books.   Books in the public domain can be downloaded for free by anyone. Books that are still subject to copyright can be borrowed via controlled digital lending.  An account is not needed to search this collection, but you need to create an Open Library account to either read on their Internet Archive book reader or download to epub/pdf. 

Access: Freely available to the public

A curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus, from the National Library of Medicine.

Access: Freely available to the public
Handbook of Latin American Studies

A bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, the multidisciplinary Handbook alternates annually between the social sciences and the humanities.

Access: Freely available to the public
American Mosaic: The African American Experience (NYPL)

To access this database you must login with your NYPL library card.  If you don't already have a NYPL library card you can apply for one here.

This database is organized by eras covering African American "history, biographies, literature, arts, music, popular culture, folklore, business, slavery, the struggle for civil rights, politics, sports, education, science, medicine, and more."  Visit the NYPL  Resource Lists on the following topics for additional online resources:

Atlantic Slave Trade   

Regionalism and Slavery

West African Societies

Middle Passage

Access: Freely available to the public
History Vault (available through the NYPL)

To access this database you must login with your NYPL library card.  If you don't already have a NYPL library card you can apply for one here.

This is a digital collection of manuscript and archival materials focusing on the 20th Century including main collections such as:

Black Freedom Movement and Civil Rights (includes records of four of the most important civil rights organizations of the 1950s and 1960s: NAACP, SCLC, SNCC, and CORE).

Southern Life and Slavery (documenting the realities of slavery "at the most immediate grassroots level in Southern society" providing "some of the most revealing documentation in existence on the functioning of the slave system."

Access: Freely available to the public
State Legislation Aggregator Search Sites

These freely available websites aggregate state legislative information, providing a more uniform and user-friendly search experience and the ability to compare legislative activities across the states.

  3. (must register, but it is free)
Access: Freely available to the public
Research Forensic Library

a curated collection of publicly-accessible material relating to forensic sciences.  Based at Florida International University.

Access: Freely available to the public
NYC Equitable Development Data Explorer

Interactive map for exploring how demographic, housing, and quality of life characteristics compare across neighborhoods and demographic groups in NYC over the past two decades.

Access: Freely available to the public
Violation Tracker

Violation Tracker contains information from official sources on more than 600,000 cases in which companies and large non-profits paid monetary penalties for regulatory violations and other forms of misconduct. Those entities include subsidiaries linked to more than 3,000 parent companies and smaller firms without parents. The parents are both publicly traded and privately held and are both U.S.-headquartered corporations and foreign firms with U.S. operations.

It covers banking, consumer protection, false claims, environmental, wage and hour, safety, discrimination, price-fixing, and other cases resolved by federal regulatory agencies and all parts of the Justice Department since 2000—plus cases from state attorneys general and selected state and local regulatory agencies. They have 628,000 civil and criminal cases from more than 450 agencies with total penalties of $1 trillion. They also cover selected types of class action lawsuits.

Access: Freely available to the public
Tax Break Tracker

Tax Break Tracker contains disclosures from the 50 states plus DC, the five most populous cities, counties, and school districts within each state, and select other jurisdictions. Data include the jurisdiction affected, the jurisdiction-awarding abatement, its legal authority to do so, name of the abatement program, type of abatement program, and amount of taxes abated for that fiscal year. 

Corporate tax breaks cause cities, counties, and school districts to lose tax revenue that could have been better spent improving public services.

Access: Freely available to the public
Internet Archive

The Internet Archive, a vast digital library, includes a large number of newspapers, journals, and other periodicals. Search text collections by title or subject.

Access: Freely available to the public
Internet Archive

The Internet Archive, a vast digital library, includes a large number of newspapers, journals, and other periodicals. Search text collections by title or subject.

Access: Freely available to the public