All Library Databases

Alphabetical list of databases
Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (see Legal Source)

Now part of Legal Source, the Ebsco database providing articles on current issues, studies, thoughts and trends of the legal world with coverage dating back to 1908.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

This collection of over 60 handbooks on information technology security, is included in search results on the Taylor and Francis platform.

Note:  It is no longer possible to limit your search to just this collection.

Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee
Infoshare Online

Population statistics, immigration trends, socio-economic indicators, birth and death data, hospitalizations, local economic data, and more for New York City.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences

An index to the social sciences that is unique in its broad coverage of international material and incorporates over 100 languages and countries.

Access level: John Jay
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2015, Second edition

26 volumes of authoritative information from the behavioral and social sciences fields.  Discusses history, current trends and future directions.  Each article highlights further reading. 

Access level: John Jay
International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center

Selected articles, news feeds, reports, summaries, books, blogs, FAQs, and proprietary Background Information Summaries that pertain to terrorism and security.

Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee
Internet Archive

The Internet Archive, a vast digital library, includes a large number of newspapers, journals, and other periodicals. Search text collections by title or subject.

Access level: Freely available to the public
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
Internet Archive

The Internet Archive, a vast digital library, includes a large number of newspapers, journals, and other periodicals. Search text collections by title or subject.

Access level: Freely available to the public
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Open access encyclopedia providing detailed, scholarly, peer-reviewed information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.

Access level: Freely available to the public
IOP (Institute of Physics) books and journals

A wide range of content from the leading voices in physics.  Includes the physics of spectroscopy, cancer, the environment, green energy, the atmosphere, astronomy, optics & photonics, bio & medical physics, geophysics, nanotechology, materials & plasmas, mathematics & computation, quantum, classical and nuclear physics.  Over 100 journals in the IOPScience Extra Collection, and books in the IOP Publishing Concise Physics, Series 1 through 4, and IOP Publishing Expanding Physics, Series 1 through 4.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

A searchable collection of the complete runs (minus the most recent 2 to 5 years) of hundreds of the most significant scholarly journals. To focus on a discipline, select Narrow by Discipline  -- e.g., Film Studies.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

We provide access to Kanopy titles if needed by faculty for use in class.   Faculty may request the library purchase a 12 month long license to view a specific title by sending an email to the media librarian  Ellen Sexton  esexton at  


Access level: John Jay
Tech fee
Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)

Portal to select  internet resources relating to Latin American studies organized by subject and country, providing access to a wide variety of full-text resources.

Access level: Freely available to the public
Legal Source

Articles on current issues, studies, thoughts and trends of the legal world with coverage dating back to 1908. Content from Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (formerly owned by Wilson) is now part of this database.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

Contains the full text for hundreds of the most important and historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers as well as monographs and books.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
LGBTQ+ Rights

Part of HeinOnline's Social Justice Suite, LGBTQ+ Rights is dedicated to charting the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today.  Subcollections focused on specific areas of society, examining same-sex marriage, employment discrimination, military service, and more. Includes an interactive timeline, subject-coded court cases, scholarly articles, books, pamphlets, reports, and more.


Tech fee
Library & Information Science Source

Articles in the field of library, information science, and education techology.  (Content from Library Literature and Information Scrience (formerly owned by Wilson) is now part of this database.)

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch
Library of Congress Digital Collections

Multimedia collections of digitized documents, photographs, recorded sound, moving pictures, and text from the Library of Congress' National Digital Library Program.

Access level: Freely available to the public
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts

Covers all aspects of the study of language and to various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics.

Access level: John Jay

A curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus, from the National Library of Medicine.

Access level: Freely available to the public