Census Data (formerly available through American Factfinder)Census.gov is the new government platform for delivering data through many individual tools (e.g., American FactFinder, OnTheMap, My Congressional District) to a model where those tools’ capabilities are integrated and served on a single platform. including the following data:
Access level: Freely available to the public
Census Data (Social Explorer)Explore over 500,000 data indicators and over 220 years of data for the United States through interactive maps from the present to 1790, including all Decennial Censuses, American Community Surveys U.S. election data, U.S. crime data (FBI/UCR), World Development Indicators, and more. Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
Census of Population and Housing 2010Gateway to the 2010 Census from the U. S. Census Bureau. Access level: Freely available to the public
ChemIDplus.Chemical database is a dictionary of over 400,000 chemicals (names, synonyms, and structures). ChemIDplus includes links to NLM and other databases and resources, including links to federal, state and international agencies. Access level: Freely available to the public
Chronicle of Higher EducationThe Chronicle of Higher Education has the nation’s largest newsroom dedicated to covering colleges and universities. Online coverage available from 1989 to present Access level: John Jay
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
Chronicling America: Historic American NewspapersProvides access to America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1963 and the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Access level: Freely available to the public
CIA World FactbookAn annual publication of the CIA providing a two- to three-page summary of the demographics, geography, communications, government, economy, and military of 266 U.S.-recognized countries, dependencies, and other areas in the world. Includes: maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, a World Oceans map, and Standard Time Zones of the World map. Access level: Freely available to the public
CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online)Comprehensive source for theory and research in foreign affairs; includes working papers from university research institutes and NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, and conference proceedings. Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
CINAHLThe Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature with links to full text. Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
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Communication & Mass Media CompleteJournal articles, encyclopedias and handbooks in the fields of communications and mass media. For film reviews search by document type. For motion pictures search by subject. Access level: John Jay
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Contemporary Women's IssuesA multidisciplinary, full-text database that brings together relevant content from mainstream periodicals, “gray” literature, and the alternative press — with a focus on the critical issues and events that influence women’s lives in more than 190 countries. Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
CORE - (U.K.)Search for open access scholarly articles from institutions across the world. CORE’s mission is to aggregate all open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide and make them available to the public. Access level: Freely available to the public
CORE: Open Access for the HumanitiesArticles, book chapters and other documents authored by humanities researchers and posted on Humanities Commons, a non-profit, academic social networking site. Access level: Freely available to the public
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CoreData.nycResearch tool for New York City housing and demographic information created by the Furman Center at NYU. Access level: Freely available to the public
Counseling and Therapy in Video Volume 1375 hours of videos of dramatized consultations, counseling sessions, and scenes, as well as documentaries, interviews and lectures. Note: Licensed in perpetuity. Access level: John Jay
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Country Studies (LOC)Library of Congress authored books describing and analyzing the political, economic, social, and national security systems and institutions of over 100 countries Access level: Freely available to the public
CQ AlmanacChronicles and analyzes major bills and legislation in the House and Senate from 1945 through 2012. Includes legislative overviews, key votes, vote studies, roll call votes and public laws. Access level: John Jay
CQ Press Electronic LibraryProvides access to CQ publications available online including CQ Almanac, CQ Researcher Plus Archive, CQ Magazine (formerly CQ Weekly), Political Handbook of the World, Politics in America and Supreme Court Yearbook. Also provides access to these CQ resources now available on the Sage Knowledge Platform: Congress and the Nation, Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court, Historic Document Series, Vital Statistics on American Politics and the Washington Information Directory. For more about how to use CQ publications go to: https://sagepub.libguides.com/CQPress Access level: John Jay
CQ Researcher Plus ArchiveExplores a single hot issue in the news in depth each week. Topics range from social and teen issues to environment, health, education and science and technology. Also Reports on international topics such as torture, nationalization of energy resources, peacekeeping around the world, etc. Coverage from 1923 to the present. Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials
CRCnetBase databasesUse this platform to search all Taylor and Francis ebook content including the CRCnetBase database collections at one time; FORENSICnetBASE; InfoSECURITYnetBASE; AND STATSnetBASE. Note: It is no longer possible to limit your search to just the CRCnetBASEcollections. Access level: John Jay
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Crime Report (www.thecrimereport.org)Comprehensive news service published by the Center for Media, Crime and Justice, at John Jay College, covering challenges and issues of 21st century criminal justice in the United States. Access level: John Jay
Crime, Punishment and Popular Culture,1790-1920 (go to Learning Center for research help)Archive containing manuscripts, books, broadsheets, and periodicals from 1790 - 1920. The collection covers Europe, North America, India, and the Antipodes. Includes raw data about crime, its solutions, and the popular response. To learn more about how to use this archive and refine your research question go to the Learning Center. Access level: John Jay
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Criminal Justice Abstracts with FulltextProvides scholarly articles and annotations of books and book chapters in criminal justice. Coverage from 1968 to the present. Access level: John Jay
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Criminal Justice and Public Safety in VideoOver 400 documentaries, training videos, and interviews illustrating the strategies, techniques, and experiences of professionals in the criminal justice system. Note: The content of this collection is now available through Academic Video Online (AVON/Alexander Street Press). Access level: John Jay
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Criminal Justice Data for New York StateSearchable statistical reports on criminal justice in NY state from the NY Division of Criminal Justice Services. Access level: Freely available to the public
Criminal Justice Periodicals Index with Full TextArticles and images from national and international publications in criminal justice. Coverage from 1980 to the present. Access level: John Jay
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Criminal Trial Transcripts Collection, Lloyd Sealy LibraryAn index to the Lloyd Sealy Library's Trial Transcripts of the County of New York 1883-1927. Several transcripts have been digitized and are available online. Access level: Freely available to the public
Criminology & Criminal Justice Videos (Sage)Over 150 hours of videos including documentaries, interviews, and tutorials featuring criminologists talking about their work, case studies that show how that research affects policy and practices; films that take you inside forensics labs, correctional facilities, court rooms and the criminal investigation process. Access level: John Jay
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CUNY Graduate Center Legacy (Retrospective) Dissertations, 1965-2014Electronic access to over 12,000 dissertations and capstones from the Graduate Center of the CIty University of New York published between 1965 and 2014. Requires authentication with a CUNYFirst account. For more information read here. Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials