A selection of videos from Films on Demand
From the Fall 2014 newsletter
The demand for digital content anytime from anywhere continues to increase. The Library is doing its part to keep up with this demand. It provides 24/7 access to over 225 databases through its website, including access to a growing collection of streaming videos. Currently, you can watch over 25,000 streaming videos in subject areas across John Jay’s curriculum.
These streaming videos, which allow for unlimited 24/7 access, include embed codes and links, making it easy to include them in course syllabi and other course management tools like Blackboard. Each collection has a user-friendly interface that allows you to browse or search by title, discipline, historical event, therapeutic approach, cultural group or other criteria depending on the nature of the content.
Listed below are the databases containing these streaming videos and the top five titles accessed by the John Jay community in the past year.
American History in Video
- The Great Depression
- Columbia Revolt
- Hippies
- Minik: The Lost Eskimo
- Thurgood Marshall: And Justice for All
Counseling & Therapy in Video
- The Abused Woman: A Survivor Therapy Approach
- Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy
- Cognitive-Behavioral Feminist Therapy
- Motivational Interviewing
- Interpersonal Process Recall
Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video
- Children Who Kill
- Predicting Criminality
- Cincinnati White Castle Incident
- Crime and Death Scene Response
- Kids Behind Bars
Ethnographic Video Online
- First Contact
- The Nuer
- The Ax Fight
- Dead Birds
- Eunuchs: India’s Third Gender
Films on Demand
- Anita Hill vs. Clarence Thomas
- The Mind of a Killer: Case Study of a Murderer
- Effective Internet Search: Basic Tools and Advanced Strategies
- Eyewitness: What Actually Happened?
- Come Together: Ancient Worlds
The PBS Video Collection
- Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio
- The Gift
- The Universe of Battle
- Destination America: The People and Cultures That Created a Nation
- Huey Long
Psychological Experiments Online
- Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment
- Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory: An Introduction
- How Happy Can You Be?
- Obedience
- People to People
To find a streaming video that meets your needs, follow the links above or go to the Library’s home page and select one of these collections from the list of databases by title. A large proportion of the library’s streaming videos can only by found by searching the individual collections, that is, individual titles/names are not represented anywhere else. Once in the collection, use the unique tools on each interface to browse or search for content.
Make sure that links are proxied. If you wish to link to any of these videos in course materials, please keep in mind that access to database content licensed by the Library is possible from outside the college only through the Library’s proxy server. The proxy server ensures access for all John Jay students, faculty and staff by requiring them to sign in using their John Jay email user ID and password. If you copy a link when you are off campus, the proxy server address (ez.lib.jjay.cuny.edu) should appear somewhere in the link.
For links that do not contain the proxy server address (which is often but not always the case if a link is copied while on campus), the library proxy server prefix address: http://ez.lib.jjay.cuny.edu/login?url= should be added before the permanent URL. Be sure to test any links before sharing them! Please email Prof. Maureen Richards if you encounter any problems linking to content.
For more information about the library’s video collection, freely available streaming videos or how to reserve any of the Library’s videos on DVD or VHS, visit the Videos subject guide.
Maureen Richards
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