Library News Blog

The 2013 LACUNY Institute (Library Association of CUNY) is accepting proposals until January 6th. While the event is organized by librarians, non-library faculty are encouraged to submit and/or attend, too. The theme this coming year will be “Libraries, Information, and the Right to the City.”

The event will be held at John Jay on April 5, 2013. For more information, including keynote speakers, topic possibilities and submission details, see

The spring 2012 newsletter from the Lloyd Sealy Library is now available.

Please remember to take advantage of the (C)opyright @ CUNY web resource when you have questions or concerns about copyright. There is a new link on the home page (look lower right corner) - Code of Best Practices for Academic and Research Libraries - which is an extremely useful document not only for librarians but for students and classroom faculty as well. We strongly encourage you to learn about and get as comfortable as possible with making your own decisions with regard to using copyrighted material.

The Crime Report, the web publication of the Center on Media, Crime and Justice at John Jay, has begun a collaborative series with the Sealy Library examining the history of crime and punishment through the resources of the Library archives.  The first piece, "The Mann Act: Anatomy of a Law", examines the nationwide scare about the “white slave traffic” through the lens of the trial of Belle Moore, a "mulatto madam"—as the press of the day termed her—who was arrested on a charge of selling two young white women into prostitution in 1910.  The full transcript of this sensational trial is available online through the article, as well as through the Library’s web archive, Crime in New York 1850-1950, where other fascinating transcripts can be viewed.

The Library is offering a Trial of a new database, TRAC or Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium. TRAC is a uniquely comprehensive resource for the study of political violence of all kinds. In cooperation with a team of 2800 experts, TRAC gathers the best information for exploration of this topic by faculty, scholars, students, government and defense professionals, as well as the general public. TRAC provides researchers in the fields of terrorism studies, political science, international relations, sociology, criminal justice, philosophy and history.

As always, please let us know what you think by submitting comments here or by emailing Nancy Egan at

The Library is offering a trial of the newly released Psyctests, a research database that provides access to complete psychological tests, measures, scales, and other assessments as well as descriptive and administrative information for each instrument. The trial will end on March 1. Please let us know what you think by adding comments here or email Nancy Egan at

Please join library faculty members Marta Bladek and Kathleen Collins as they discuss several online tools to help with completing the publications portion of the Faculty Report and Self Evaluation (Form C). They will demonstrate using Scopus, Ebsco, MLA and APA resources, Google Scholar and others to find relevant journal and author citation information.

See CAT program schedule (scroll to bottom under Teaching Salon):

Form C #17: What Does It Mean?
Tuesday, November 1st
1:45p – 2:45p
Location: CAT, 333T


In support of Open Access Week* (October 24-30) colleagues in CUNY created a Halloween themed quiz about journal pricing. The Open Access "Pretty Scary" Quiz is ready, don't be scared to take it, or share it!

* Open Access Week is a global, annual event that promotes open access in scientific publishing and research.

To Wikipedia or Not to Wikipedia…Is That Really The Question?
Thursday, October 20th
1:45p – 2:45p
Location: CAT, 333T

Led by Professors Marta Bladek and Kathleen Collins
Lloyd Sealy Library

Wikipedia. We've all found ourselves on Wikipedia at some point. In fact, Project Information Literacy researchers report that 85% of students use Wikipedia as a resource. Yet, some instructors dissuade their students from using the site as a resource. Others are telling their students to use it as a jump off point for their research papers. Use it but don't cite it. Do either one of these positions benefit students? What alternatives to this popular site does the Lloyd Sealy Library offer? Come to this workshop to explore the pros and cons of Wikipedia and to participate in activities and that enhance the teaching and learning experiences through Wikipedia.

Banned Books Week begins Saturday, September 24.  Banned Books Week is the only national celebration of the freedom to read. It was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. More than 11,000 books have been challenged since 1982.  Believe it or not, among the ten most challenged books in 2010 were Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley and Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America, by Barbara Ehrenreich.  Celebrate the freedom to read by reading a banned book this week; you'll have plenty of great books to choose from!