Library News Blog

Screenshot of Digital Loeb Classical Library

The Digital Loeb Classical Library is an interconnected, fully searchable, perpetually growing, virtual library of Greek and Latin literature including all the classics. The Lloyd Sealy Library has the full print collection (located by the Niederhoffer Lounge), but now you can access the Digital Loeb Classical Library — from anywhere you have access to the internet.

From Aeschylus to Aristotle, Herodotus to Homer, the Loeb Classical Library has long been the trusted resource for reading Greek & Latin literature in the original side by side with the modern-day English translation. 

Go to the Digital Loeb Classical Library

Introducing 'Lil Jay!

Celebrate John Jay College of Criminal Justice's 50th Anniversary with Li'l Jay! Whether he is studying hard, serving students, or out in the world spreading fair-minded ideals, Li'l Jay embodies the John Jay spirit and is a fierce advocate for justice.

Check out authentic 50th Anniversary editions of Li'l Jay from the Library for a week at a time. Ask for a Li'l Jay at the Reserve Desk and check him out using your John Jay ID. Then snap some pics of Li'l Jay anywhere and with anyone, sharing using the hashtags #jjcliljay and #jjc50!


  • Check Li'l Jay out for a week at a time from the Library Reserve Desk. (If he's overdue, you'll get a library fine of $1.00/day.) Take good care of him! 
  • Share Li'l Jay on social media with the John Jay community using #jjcliljay and #jjc50.
  • Each week, the best Li'l Jay pic will be featured on the John Jay College home page
  • Exercise your creativity, your ingenuity, and, naturally, your good taste. Would you want your grandmother to see it? If not, don't share. These pics may be used for promotional purposes. 
  • These rules are printed on Li'l Jay's carrying box. 

Happy snapping! 

The CUNY+ Catalog is undergoing a scheduled upgrade to serve you better. The catalog contains records for our books, ebooks, and other media holdings. The upgrade is overseen by the CUNY Office of Library Services.

Search is not available July 10–12, 2014.

Renewals and item requests are not available July 10–24, 2014. All items that would have had a due date during this interval have been given extended loan periods and are now due July 25 or later.

You will still be able to check out and return books at the Library's Circulation Desk during open hours. Please note that during the upgrade period, the circulation status of books as shown in the catalog will not be up to date and may be incorrect.

We are sorry for any inconvenience! The upgraded catalog will be more reliable and offer you better service.

Access to digital resources like academic journals is not affected. Note that the John Jay Library offers thousands of ebooks that you can read anywhere at any time.

Due to restricted budgets, the library has had to make difficult decisions about our database offerings and will no longer subscribe to Rosetta Stone. We regret any inconvenience this causes. (Updated July 2016)


Archived information:

It's the perfect time to catch up on reading and learn a new language! Have you ever regretted not taking the time to learn your ancestral language? Are you planning a vacation and wishing you could converse like a local?   Or, are you a linguaphile looking for your next challenge?

Now, anyone with a current John Jay email address can use the Rosetta Stone Library Solution to study up to 30 languages. Key features include:

  • 50 hours of foundational instruction
  • Core lessons to build reading, writing, speaking and listening skills
  • Focused activities to refine grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation

To access Rosetta Stone from any device, click the link above, or:

> Go to the library website at

> Select Rosetta Stone from the dropdown menu of popular databases or from the A–Z list of databases.

> If you have not already set up a user account, set one up by entering a valid email address and selecting a password. Enter the language you wish to study when prompted. Then click on the "First Time Users" link to make sure your device is compatible.

> Click Launch Rosetta Stone and start learning.


After you have set up your account, you can continue building your language skills anytime and anywhere you have internet access by following these steps:

 > Return to Rosetta Stone from any device through the link on the library website (see above).

 > Enter the email and password you used when you created your account and enter the language you wish to study when prompted.

Languages offered: Arabic • Dari • Dutch • English (American and British)  • Farsi • French • German • Greek • Hebrew • Hindi  • Indonesian • Irish • Italian • Japanese • Korean • Latin • Mandarin • Pashto • Polish • Portuguese • Russian • Spanish (Latin America and Spain) • Swahili  • Swedish • Tagalog • Turkish • Urdu • Vietnamese 

Please keep in mind that although you can access your account from any device --including smartphones and tablets -- you must always sign in through the link on the library website. You cannot access this product through apps.

Enjoy and please provide the Library with your feedback, or contact us if you have any questions.

The Digital National Security Archive provides access to primary documents relating to US foreign and military policy since 1945. These documents are  from the National Security Archive, a  non-profit research organization founded in 1985 by  journalists and scholars to check rising government secrecy.        

The  database contains over 95,000 records --  more than 650,000 pages --  of original documents most of which  were formerly classified and unavailable.  Although the documents may be available in Presidential collections or other archives, this database allows you to cross-search across all  documents by collection, subject  or  date  or to search the full text  by keywords.

Currently the database contains the following 41 collections:

  • Latin America Collection Set – 9 collections
  • Asia Collection Set – 9 collections
  • Middle East Collection Set – 5 collections
  • Human Rights Collection Set – 6 collections
  • Intelligence and Policy Collection Set – 12 collections
  • Cold War Collection Set – 7 collections

During this one month trial the entire collection can be accessed at

Please contact with any questions or comments.



Books on the history of women police officers

See our exhibit case of resources related to the history of women police officers and the International Association of Women Poice in the Library's Niederhoffer Lounge, lower level.

A brief history of women police officers from 1845 to the 1970s

Female police officers have come a long way since the days of women police matrons. In the mid-19th century, women in law enforcement were limited to caring for women inmates and did not have the authority to make arrests. But the 20th century brought around incredible progress.

The first policewomen

Among the first policewomen, two stand out. In 1908, Lola Baldwin of Portland, Oregon was sworn in with an official badge, thereby becoming the first policewoman (Myers, 1995, p. 22; Duffin, 2010, p. 28). She had been working on behalf of unwed mothers and prisoners and in 1909 convinced the city council of Portland to establish the Department of Public Safety for the Protection of Young Girls and Women, which she directed. 

Others contend that the honor of becoming the first policewoman goes to Alice Stebbins Wells of Los Angeles (Higgins, 1951, p. 824). She was given the authority to arrest suspects, was responsible for the supervision of dance halls, skating rinks, penny arcades and theaters, and maintained a bureau for women seeking advice. Wells would go on to make a strong impact nationally as she toured and spoke on the value of introducing women as police officers in many local communities. In 1915, the National Association of Policewomen organized with Ms. Stebbins Wells as the first president. The objectives of the association included disseminating information on the work of women police and seeking better training and higher educational standards. 

Selections from the IAWP archives
(click for large)

Professional women police

By the mid-20th century, another star among women police had risen. Lois Lundell Higgins was a Chicago policewoman who headed the Crime Prevention Bureau in Chicago during the 1950s and 1960s. She had a charismatic personality, was well educated with a master’s degree in Social Work, and was acclaimed for her work in crime prevention, particularly among juveniles. In 1956, Ms. Higgins and other policewomen re-established the International Association of Policewomen but renamed it the International Association of Women Police or IAWP.* Membership was limited to women who were sworn police officers, and biannual conferences were held starting in 1958.  Ms. Higgins became the association’s first president, a position she held until 1964. By the 1950s, women were starting to be assigned to investigative and undercover roles like their male colleagues. It was a time of transition—Ms. Higgins, for instance, was not in favor of women officers having roles expanded beyond focusing on troubled women and juveniles. The loss of women’s bureaus was also a contentious issue during this decade because it resulted in a temporary stagnation of women rising in rank; on the other hand, policewomen were becoming more integrated into police work previously done only by men (Hassell, Archbold, and Schulz, 2011, p. 24).

Exhibit in Niederhoffer Lounge

“Breaking the Brass Ceiling”

Police departments were still appointing their first female officers during the 1950s and 1960s. By 1959, women officers in New York numbered 243 but only constituted 1% of the force. Progress was slow as civil service promotion for NYC policewomen did not occur until the 1960s. By 1969, there were no longer separate entry requirements for male and female officers, but there continued to be discrepancies in salaries for years. 

The modern era began during the 1970s when women were being accepted as police officers, not just policewomen (Hassell, et al., 2011, p. 128). “…The policewoman of the 1970s made greater strides toward equality among her male peers than at any other time in history” (Duffin, 2010, p. 198). During that era, some female officers won notable discrimination lawsuits and the right to patrol their own beats. 

While the fight for equality for women has been ongoing for decades, progress has clearly been made. The public is more accepting of female police officers and the number of women in the police forces across the nation has steadily increased. Changes have come if a male former chief of police could comment that “women brought a different contribution to policing than men…women officers are more compassionate in the ways they do their job….[but] this happens only if they do not get co-opted into being police women rather than police women” (Duffin, 2010, p. 249). 

*John Jay College Library has the holdings of the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) in its Special Collections. A finding aid is available. Appointments must be made in advance to view these items.


  • Duffin, A. (2010). History in blue: 160 years of women police, sheriffs, detectives, and state troopers. New York: Kaplan Publishing.
  • Hassell, K. D., Archbold, C.A., & Schulz, D.M. (2011). Women & policing in America: Classic & contemporary readings. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
  • Higgins, L. (1951). Historical background of policewomen’s service. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology of Northwestern University School of Law, 41 (6), 822-833.
  • Myers, G. E. (1995). A Municipal mother: Portland’s Lola Green Baldwin, America’s first policewoman. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press.

Tania Colmant-Donabedian, spring 2014

Book list

Book or movie title Call number**
A Municipal mother: Portland’s Lola Greene Baldwin, America’s first policewoman HV 8023 .M94 1995
Women in public and private law enforcement HV 8023 .S27 2002
Policewomen who made history: breaking through the ranks HV 8023 .S66 2010
Women at Ground Zero: stories of courage and compassion  HV6432.7 .W65 2002
Detective: the inspirational story of the trailblazing woman cop who wouldn't quit HV7911 .B86 A3 2006
Gender and community policing: walking the talk HV7936 .C83 M6 1999
Policing and gendered justice: examining the possibilities HV8023 .C67 2009
History in blue: 160 years of women police, sheriffs, detectives, and state troopers HV8023 .D84 2010
A different shade of blue: how women changed the face of police work HV8023 .E57 2009
 Policewomen: a history HV8023 .S44 2014
Women in charge: policing, gender and leadership HV8023 .S54 2003
Lady Cop: true stories of policewomen in America's toughest city HV8023 .T38 1987
Police women: Life with the Badge HV8023 .W45 2005
Women and policing in America: classic and contemporary readings HV8023 .W555 2011
The Invisible Woman: gender, crime, and justice HV9950 .B45 2007
Women and the criminal justice system HV9950 .V38 2011
Doing justice, doing gender: women in legal and criminal justice occupations /  Reserve HV9950 .M3 2007
Sleuthing Mary Shanley DVD-649
Blue Steel (starring Jamie Lee Curtis) DVD-799
Tea and justice DVD-952
Women police in a changing society: back door to equality Ebook + HV8023 .N37 2008
Breaking the brass ceiling: women police chiefs and their paths to the top Ebook + HV8139 .S33 2004

** All call numbers are located in the Stacks upstairs except for:

  • Ebook (search title in CUNY+)
  • Reserve (see Reserve Desk)
  • DVD (ask at Circulation Desk)

Anonymous apps

Two new, free and popular smartphone apps are anonymous. There are no accounts, no profiles, no contact lists, no names attached to posts, and few archives. Is the pendulum swinging away from “social media performance” and the “ultra-curated reputations” of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? Perhaps NSA revelations have made youth wary? Perhaps the teen and young college-age demographic is intrigued with the mystery of a changing persona? A place to let off steam? A friend in need? Or maybe it’s the confessional again.

Secret, an app on iOS, was introduced in February 2014 by Silicon Valley engineers who wanted a place to share what they could not say face to face and without judgment: “join Secret and speak freely.” When you sign up for Secret, it links to anyone in your contact list who uses Secret, but you never know who is posting unless they choose to reveal themselves. Posts are short bursts of text, for example, “Going through a merger is like going through a double date....” In its short life, Secret has been the source of some untrue business rumors and some personal attacks, so this is not a benign site.

Whisper, for iOS and Android, was introduced two years ago, but took off late in 2013. It has more than three billion page views a month­­—more than CNN’s. A post to Whisper, for instance, says “Nobody at work knows I’m a lesbian,” and then chooses a stock photo to display the thought. On each display you see a button that encourages you to post. Whisper notifies you of posts created by people within a radius of a mile and more. Each day six posts are chosen by the site curators to feature. Founder Michael Heyward says, “There is no safer place,” and 120 real-time curators mean to keep it so.

These two anonymous apps create different network structures from those we are most used to. Whisper seems to be more novel, a departure from previous trash-talking anonymous sites and a distance from incessant “Like me.”

Janice Dunham


Gail Garfield

While working on her newest book, Prof. Gail Garfield from the Sociology department spent a lot of time in the Library, working with the microfilm delivered to her through the Interlibrary Loan service (ILL). The research resulted in her book, Tightrope: A Racial Journey to the Age of Obama, published in 2014 by Rowman & Littlefield (on order).

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services are available to John Jay College faculty (and their authorized John Jay research assistants), graduate students, staff and undergraduate students (article requests only) for academic research purposes. Book articles, book chapters, dissertations and media items that John Jay does not own and that cannot be requested through CLICS or through the media department can be ordered via ILL. See our website for instructions and more information.

More from the Spring 2014 Newsletter »

Lloyd Sealy Library Digital Collections

Items from the Special Collections

Research in action: student spotlight (from the Spring 2014 Newsletter)

Jakub Gaweda is 2014 graduating senior majoring in Global History.

Last November, I was approached by Prof. Gerald Markowitz to work on a research project for John Jay’s upcoming 50th anniversary. Prof. Markowitz, along with a few others, was asked to head a committee to create a timeline exhibit for the College. I gladly accepted the offer to join them, recognizing that the experience would greatly increase my own research skills.

As I began to attend the exhibit meetings, I quickly learned the scope of my work. I would look through books of newspaper clippings located in the Special Collections room, compiling a list of events at the college: plays, sports, funding received, grants, guest speakers, etc. Thankfully, two more student researchers were brought on to help me with what seemed at times a Sisyphean task. 

Over the months of January, February, and March, I became intimately acquainted with the Special Collections room, the Library Conference room, John Jay’s newspaper clippings, and its archival photographs in ways I could have never imagined. When I closed my eyes, everything was sepia. At certain times of the day, I smelled aging newspaper, and if I listened carefully, I could hear the crinkle of paper and the flipping of binder pages. I cursed when the Library was only open till 10pm on weekdays. 

Levity aside, I found the research fascinating. While I enjoyed learning about the big events of John Jay, including CUNY’s financial crisis in 1976 and the student takeovers in 1989 in response to rising tuition costs, what I found most compelling were the small stories. Over the course of my research, certain names would begin to reappear every now and again: a notable basketball player, a professor, or a student who won a scholarship. Often surfacing only in small blurbs with a few sentences, these stories often did much to humanize the history of the College. Seeing these small narratives unfold literally before my eyes made me cognizant of my own place at John Jay and how short my time at the school is, as just one of thousands of other current and former students. I felt the same way when looking at the photographs of John Jay’s history. Photos of student and campus life were just as interesting as Mother Teresa or Bill Cosby at the college. 

I also can’t forget to thank the fantastic Library staff for all the help they have provided me. From Prof. Ellen Sexton to Robin Davis, who both directly helped me manage the materials, to every single other librarian I may have at one point or another asked (hopefully kindly) to open some door for me. It made my work that much easier and more enjoyable.

It’s a good thing that I did this research when John Jay was only 50, as I am not sure I envy the researcher who, in another 50 years, will have to face an even more daunting task. Maybe—with any luck—he will find some mention of me in the records.  

Jakub Gaweda

Editor’s note: in addition to their incredible work on the 50th Anniversary Exhibit, Jakub and his classmates, Kayla Talbot and Brittany Cabanas, have made invaluable contributions to the John Jay College Archives in the Digital Collections by scanning archival items, researching photograph subjects, and creating metadata. See their work online at! —Robin D

Classified Information, the Library's newsletter »

Spring 2014 Newsletter (PDF) »

Strategies for steering away from predatory journals 

In the past few years, a for-profit, scam-like publishing industry has emerged, exploiting the Open Access model in order to trick scholars into contributing their work. More than ever before, it is crucial that researchers establish and confirm the credentials of a journal and its publisher before they submit a paper for publication. The following suggestions on what to watch out for and how not to fall prey to these dishonest presses is culled from Prof. Monica Berger’s (NYC College of Technology) presentation “To Catch a Predator: How to Recognize Predatory Journals and Conferences” that took place at the Graduate Center on 11/26/13. Knowing what to look for should make it easier for you steer clear from submitting your work to journals that lack credibility. 

How to recognize predatory journals

Solicitation and the publishing process typical of predatory journals

  • mass mailings of unsolicited invitations to contribute to a journal (these spam-like invitations shouldn’t be confused with the emails received from the scholarly organizations you are a member of or with emails from the journal or publisher where your past work appeared)
  • a strikingly quick turnaround from submission to publication
  • peer review process not explained and conducted in no time
  • no revisions required

Typical journal and publisher presentation

  • the title resembles the title of a well-known publication
  • the title suggests an overly broad or extremely vague scope (e.g., Galaxy: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, British Journal of Science)
  • although the title specifies location (European Journal...) the journal is located in another part of the world
  • the publisher’s website include typos and grammatical errors; contradictory details about editorial policies, fees, etc.; dead links and no information about the publisher’s physical address; a look and interface that mimics the design of a well-known publisher


  • the publisher is also the editor
  • the email address is a popular one (Gmail or Yahoo) or not listed at all ( web form only)
  • no information about editorial or advisory boards
  • a large number of published titles (especially for new presses)

To learn more about predatory publishers, you should consult the blog maintained by Jeffrey Beall, the Scholarly Initiatives Librarian at the University of Colorado Denver at Beall maintains and regularly updates a list of predatory open access journals to stay away from. He has also put together a list of criteria for determining whether a journal is predatory (his list is more exhaustive than the abbreviated one above). 

Marta Bladek