Social work

Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts

Indexes subjects in the applied social sciences including mental health services, social work, and substance abuse.  (Content from Applied Science & Technology (formerly owned by Wilson) is now part of this database.)

Access level: John Jay

Counseling and Therapy in Video Volume 1

375 hours of videos of dramatized consultations, counseling sessions, and scenes, as well as documentaries, interviews and lectures. Note: Licensed in perpetuity.

Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2015, Second edition

26 volumes of authoritative information from the behavioral and social sciences fields.  Discusses history, current trends and future directions.  Each article highlights further reading. 

Access level: John Jay


The most comprehensive index and access to materials in psychology articles and books. Coverage from 1887 to the present. Searches PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, and PsycEXTRA in one search.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch Tech fee

SAGE Research Methods Videos

Includes over 400  tutorials, interviews, video case studies, and mini-documentaries covering the entire research process. You can search videos by method; by discipline (criminology, economics, sociology, etc.); or by video type (i.e. interview, tutorial, case studies, etc.).

Access level: John Jay

Social Sciences Full Text

Provides accesses to journals in anthropology, criminology, economics, law, geography, policy studies, psychology, sociology, social work, and urban studies from 1983 to the present and indexes material from 1929 to 1983.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

Social Services Abstracts

Accesses journal articles, book reviews, dissertations, and current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. Coverage from 1980 to the present.

Access level: John Jay

Urban Studies Abstracts

Articles and reports as well as book abstracts about crime and other urban problems, possible solutions, studies of police departments, social welfare agencies, and more.

Access level: John Jay
Tech fee