Public management
Academic Search CompleteAccess to articles from magazines and peer-reviewed journals, as well as books, conference papers and proceedings, and educational reports from almost all academic areas of study. Access level: CUNY
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Business Source CompleteFull text of peer-reviewed journals and magazines, country and industry reports, and case studies covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and more. Access level: CUNY
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CQ AlmanacChronicles and analyzes major bills and legislation in the House and Senate from 1945 through 2012. Includes legislative overviews, key votes, vote studies, roll call votes and public laws. Access level: John Jay
CQ Press Electronic LibraryProvides access to CQ publications available online including CQ Almanac, CQ Researcher Plus Archive, CQ Magazine (formerly CQ Weekly), Political Handbook of the World, Politics in America and Supreme Court Yearbook. Also provides access to these CQ resources now available on the Sage Knowledge Platform: Congress and the Nation, Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court, Historic Document Series, Vital Statistics on American Politics and the Washington Information Directory. For more about how to use CQ publications go to: Access level: John Jay
Economist Historical ArchiveThe full text of The Economist from 1843 to 2013. Essential reading for anyone engaged in politics, current affairs, business and trade worldwide. Access level: CUNY
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Faulkner Security Management PracticesReports by industry practitioners on facility, IT, network, personnel, financial and legal security, risk and crisis management, and public safety. Access level: John Jay
Health Policy Reference CenterArticles about health policy and administration in academic journals, monographs, magazines, and trade publications. Access level: CUNY
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IEEE Xplore Digital LibraryGreat for computer science & information technology as well as electronics and electrical engineering IEEE Spectrum and IEEE Potentials. Provides unlimited, full-text access to the entire IEEE and IET collection of journals, magazines, and conference proceedings, plus all active and historical IEEE standards. Access level: CUNY
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Infoshare OnlinePopulation statistics, immigration trends, socio-economic indicators, birth and death data, hospitalizations, local economic data, and more for New York City. Access level: CUNY
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Military and Government CollectionArticles from journals and other periodicals and current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government. Access level: CUNY
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National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working PapersFull-text of NBER Working Papers from November 1994 to the present -- approximately 500 papers are published annually. The NBER is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to conducting economic research and to disseminating research findings among academics, public policy makers, and business professionals. Key focus areas include developing new statistical measurements, estimating quantitative models of economic behavior, and analyzing the effects of public policies. Download the newest working papers at Access level: John Jay
NCJRS — National Criminal Justice Reference ServiceSearches and often provides the full text of federal, state, local, and foundation reports, as well as abstracts of journal articles and other websites. Access level: Freely available to the public
New York City Charter, Code, and RulesSearchable and browsable public portal to the laws of New York City including: New York City Charter, New York City Administrative Code and the Rules of the City of New York. Access level: Freely available to the public
New York Code, Rules, and Regulations - NYCRRClick on title to access in LexisNexis Academic and then click on TOC - Table of Contents -- in upper left hand side of screen Or arrows to browse. See subject guide on Finding Legal Information for more information. Access level: CUNY
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Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic)Nexis Uni features more than 15,000 news, business, and legal sources formerly found through the LexisNexisAcademic platform - including federal and state laws and cases, constitutions, municipal codes, and law review articles. The interface is designed to offer quick discovery across all content types. Register for a personal NexisUni id to use personalization features such as Alerts, saved searches, and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents. Watch this video to learn about the latest enhancements to the Nexis Uni interface. Access level: John Jay
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NYC Health DataInteractive visualization tools, downloadable datasets and rigorous research on New Yorkers’ health provided by the New York City Health Department. Includes data about the social, economic and health conditions and outcomes of New Yorkers, neighborhood-by-neighborhood; over 200 NYC environmental health indicators in charts, maps and scatter plots; and tools to analyze and visualize NYC health data from surveys, disease reports and vital records by sex, race/ethnicity, age and other stratifications. Access level: Freely available to the public
Oxford ReferenceOver 200 reference books from Oxford University Press, including language dictionaries, and reference works in art, science, classics, business, history, law, literature, medicine, geography, performing arts, philosophy, and social science. Access level: CUNY
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PAIS InternationalThe Public Affairs Information Service was established to chronicle the world's public affairs, public and social policies, international relations, and world politics. The database contains and index to journal articles, government documents, grey literature and other materials from 1997 forward. Access level: John Jay
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Project MUSEAn interdisciplinary collection of high quality, peer reviewed journals. Access level: CUNY
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Public Administration AbstractsInformation on public administration and related areas such as organizational structures, public service personnel, economic issues, taxation, society issues, theory and research in the field. Access level: John Jay
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Social ExplorerDisplays interactive maps of U.S. Census data going back to 1790, U.S. election data, U.S. crime data (FBI/UCR), World Development Indicators, and more. Access level: CUNY
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Social Sciences Full TextProvides accesses to journals in anthropology, criminology, economics, law, geography, policy studies, psychology, sociology, social work, and urban studies from 1983 to the present and indexes material from 1929 to 1983. Access level: CUNY
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TRACFEDData about federal enforcement activities -- criminal, civil, and administrative -- including detailed information about federal staffing, federal enforcement agencies, and income and demographic statistics. Access level: John Jay
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Transportation Article FileIndex to articles in journals and books on transportation from Northwestern University's Transportation Library. Access level: Freely available to the public
Transportation Research Information Service (TRIS) OnlineProvides access to 400,000 bibliographic records covering transportation research published in books, journal articles, technical reports and other media Access level: Freely available to the public
Urban Studies AbstractsArticles and reports as well as book abstracts about crime and other urban problems, possible solutions, studies of police departments, social welfare agencies, and more. Access level: John Jay
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Vital Statistics on American PoliticsProvides summary data on political behavior such as voter turnout, election results, public opinion, media trends, campaign financing and more. Some charts provide data from the 1790s, but most focus on the 1940s to 2012. Data can be downloaded. Access level: John Jay
Worldwide Political Science AbstractsJournal articles and book abstracts in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration/policy. Coverage from 1975 to the present. Access level: John Jay
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