Political science

Annual Reviews

Collection of Annual Review Journals featuring literature reviews in the fields of Social Science.

Access level: John Jay

Archives of Latin American and Caribbean History, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century

Brings together primary source documents relating to Latin America and the Caribbean; original manuscripts, signed letters, expedition records, reports, maps, diaries, descriptions of voyages, ephemera, and more.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials

Census Data (Social Explorer)

Explore over 500,000 data indicators and over 220 years of data for the United States through interactive maps from the present to 1790, including all Decennial Censuses, American Community Surveys U.S. election data, U.S. crime data (FBI/UCR), World Development Indicators, and more.

Alternate access via CUNY login credentials



Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials

CIA World Factbook

An annual publication of the CIA providing a two- to three-page summary of the demographics, geography, communications, government, economy, and military of 266 U.S.-recognized countries, dependencies, and other areas in the world. Includes: maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, a World Oceans map, and  Standard Time Zones of the World map.

Access level: Freely available to the public

CQ Almanac

Chronicles and analyzes major bills and legislation in the House and Senate from 1945 through 2012. Includes legislative overviews, key votes, vote studies, roll call votes and public laws.

Access level: John Jay

CQ Press Electronic Library

Provides access to CQ publications available online including CQ Almanac, CQ Researcher Plus Archive, CQ Magazine (formerly CQ Weekly), Political Handbook of the World, Politics in America and Supreme Court Yearbook. Also provides access to these CQ resources now available on the Sage Knowledge Platform: Congress and the Nation, Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court, Historic Document Series, Vital Statistics on American Politics and the Washington Information Directory. For more about how to use CQ publications go to: https://sagepub.libguides.com/CQPress

Access level: John Jay


Selected documentaries and social issues from Icarus, BullFrog and other distributors. Issues covered include history, politics, anthropology, human rights, and justice and environment broadly interpreted. From independent & progressive documentary makers.


Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee

Economist Historical Archive

The full text of The Economist from 1843 to 2013. Essential reading for anyone engaged in politics, current affairs, business and trade worldwide.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials

Films on Demand (Infobase Learning)

A comprehensive streaming video collection  of 1,000s of full length educational videos and clips covering a broad range of topics.

You can search by title, by keywords in segments, browsing titles alphabetically, and browsing or searching within the subject area. Most of the titles in the collection have closed-captioning and many have interactive transcripts.

Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee

Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy website including access to Foreign Policy Magazine

Alternate access via CUNY login credentials

Global Issues In Context

Focuses on issues beyond the United States, with news articles, videos, statistics, reference materials & some academic articles.  Includes foreign, English language newspaper articles written for readers in other countries.  User friendly; focus is on broad topics.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

Gun Regulation and Legislation in America

Brings together over 500 relevant titles including periodicals, federal legislative histories, congressional hearings, Congressional Research Study (CRS) Reports and Supreme Court Briefs.

Access level: Freely available to the public

Hein Online

Several historical American and international law collections incuding law reviews and journals from their first volume of publication, the Federal Register, Presidential Documents, U.S. Congressional Serial Set, Attorney Generals Opinions, World Constitutions, legal classics, and the newest collection, Slavery in America and the World; History, Culture and Law. A comprehensive user's guide to this database is available at  https://heinonline.org/HeinDocs/HOLUserGuide.pdf.

Access level: John Jay
Tech fee

Loeb Classical Library (digital)

Provided by the Harvard University Press, this online resource provides more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts in a modern interface that  allows readers to browse, search, bookmark, and annotate content. Content cannot be downloaded or printed.  (Note:  The library  has the print edition of the Loeb Classical Library).



Making of the Modern World

Provides the full text of 61,000 works of literature in business, politics, and economics published from 1450 to 1850. Includes the full Goldsmiths

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

Military and Government Collection

Articles from journals and other periodicals and current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

Oxford Reference

Over 200 reference books from Oxford University Press, including language dictionaries, and reference works in art, science, classics, business, history, law, literature, medicine, geography, performing arts, philosophy, and social science.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

Project MUSE

An interdisciplinary collection of high quality, peer reviewed journals.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

Public Administration Abstracts

Information on public administration and related areas such as organizational structures, public service personnel, economic issues, taxation, society issues, theory and research in the field.

Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee

Roper Ipoll

The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, currently located at Cornell University, is an archive of social science data, specializing in data from public opinion surveys.

Access level: John Jay

Sage Journals

Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee

Sage Knowledge Collection

Hundreds  of ebooks and subject encyclopedias, including major titles in criminal justice, research methods, psychology, and social issues from Sage and CQ Press.

Access level: John Jay

SAGE Research Methods Videos

Includes over 400  tutorials, interviews, video case studies, and mini-documentaries covering the entire research process. You can search videos by method; by discipline (criminology, economics, sociology, etc.); or by video type (i.e. interview, tutorial, case studies, etc.).

Access level: John Jay

Social Science Premium Collection (ProQuest)

Compilation of  ProQuest collections in the social sciences with deep coverage of sociology, politics (including PAIS International), criminal justice, education (including ERIC), and linguistics. Provides abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers and more.

Access level: John Jay

State Legislation Aggregator Search Sites

These freely available websites aggregate state legislative information, providing a more uniform and user-friendly search experience and the ability to compare legislative activities across the states.

  1. Openstates.org
  2. Legiscan.com  
  3. BillTrack50.com (must register, but it is free)
Access level: Freely available to the public


Data about federal enforcement activities -- criminal, civil, and administrative -- including detailed information about federal staffing, federal enforcement agencies, and income and demographic statistics.

Access level: John Jay
Tech fee

Urban Studies Abstracts

Articles and reports as well as book abstracts about crime and other urban problems, possible solutions, studies of police departments, social welfare agencies, and more.

Access level: John Jay
Tech fee

Vital Statistics on American Politics

Provides summary data on political behavior such as voter turnout, election results, public opinion, media trends, campaign financing and more. Some charts provide data from the 1790s, but most focus on the 1940s to 2012. Data can be downloaded.

Access level: John Jay

Women and Social Movements in the U.S. 1600-2000

Brings together primary documents, books, images, scholarly essays, book reviews, audio recordings, Web site reviews, and teaching tools, all documenting the multiplicity of women’s activism in public life.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

Journal articles and book abstracts in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration/policy. Coverage from 1975 to the present.

Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee