Communications and mass media

Communication & Mass Media Complete

Journal articles, encyclopedias and handbooks in the fields of communications and mass media.  For film reviews search by document type. For motion pictures search by subject.

Access level: John Jay

Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies (FAITS)

Reports by industry practitioners on wireless communications, data networking, security, streaming media, government information technology and healthcare IT topics, information management, the internet and web.


Access level: John Jay

Films on Demand (Infobase Learning)

A comprehensive streaming video collection  of 1,000s of full length educational videos and clips covering a broad range of topics.

You can search by title, by keywords in segments, browsing titles alphabetically, and browsing or searching within the subject area. Most of the titles in the collection have closed-captioning and many have interactive transcripts.

Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee

Project MUSE

An interdisciplinary collection of high quality, peer reviewed journals.

Access level: CUNY
Alternate access via CUNY login credentials OneSearch

Sage Journals

Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee

SAGE Research Methods Videos

Includes over 400  tutorials, interviews, video case studies, and mini-documentaries covering the entire research process. You can search videos by method; by discipline (criminology, economics, sociology, etc.); or by video type (i.e. interview, tutorial, case studies, etc.).

Access level: John Jay

Web of Science

Subscription to database expired June 30, 2019.  Please select another database.



Access level: John Jay
OneSearch Tech fee