Who can use the library?

CUNY students, faculty, and staff

John Jay students, faculty, and staff may access the library with valid John Jay College ID.

Other CUNY students, faculty and staff may access the library with valid CUNY ID.  

John Jay alumni may visit the Library with a John Jay Alumni card, available from the Alumni Association. (See more about our alumni resources.)

Retired John Jay faculty members are welcome to visit the Library and use our resources on-site with a valid CUNY ID. Such individuals have access to databases off campus after logging in with their JJAY email credentials. If retired faculty are unable to log in, please contact libref@jjay.cuny.edu

Access is also permitted for current faculty and students of SUNY Empire State College with a valid Empire State College identification card. This arrangement does not extend to other SUNY campuses. 

Other researchers

We do not grant access to members of the public doing pro se legal research. Neither do we grant access to or provide legal assistance or counsel to the general public.

Researchers unaffiliated with the City University of New York (CUNY) who wish to see material in our circulating or reference collections (search) and whose home library participates in the METRO referral program should request a METRO referral to our library. METRO referral patrons may not check items out of the library.

Occasionally, the Library may grant access to researchers without a METRO referral who need to consult materials unique to the John Jay collections that are not available elsewhere. Before visiting the Library in person, researchers must request and obtain a Research Access Pass by emailing libref@jjay.cuny.edu.

Prior to visiting, researchers wishing to use our Special Collections must request a Research Access Pass by contacting the Special Collections Librarian at libspcoll@jjay.cuny.edu to discuss their research and to make an appointment.

Visiting Scholars

John Jay College Visiting Scholar status is granted by the Office for the Advancement of Research (OAR). For more information, contact OAR@jjay.cuny.edu.

College Now students

Students in John Jay's College Now program are welcome to visit the Library and use our resources on-site.

Identification and passes

Everyone entering the Library must show a form of identification to the Public Safety Officer at the Security Desk as follows:

If you are a...

Please present...

John Jay student, faculty, or staff member

John Jay Photo ID

(Lacking John Jay ID, students may be asked to provide proof of enrollment, such as Bursar’s receipt or schedule of classes.)

CUNY student, faculty, or staff member

Current validated CUNY Photo ID.

(Students from campuses that do not provide validation stickers may be asked to provide proof of enrollment.)

SUNY Empire State College student

Current SUNY Photo ID

John Jay and CUNY retired faculty member

John Jay or CUNY ID

John Jay Alumna/us

Current John Jay Alumni Card and a photo ID

METRO referral card holder

Metropolitan New York Library Council’s Yellow referral card

CUNY-unaffiliated researcher

Researcher Access Pass and current ID

John Jay Visiting Scholar

John Jay ID

A member of the FDNY or NYPD

Your badge