Library as study space

April 12–18 is National Library Week 2015. All kinds of libraries celebrate—government, academic, public, school, and specialized. This year’s chairperson for the week is novelist David Baldacci, (The Collectors, First FamilyThe Escape, Memory Man), and this year’s theme is Unlimited Possibilities @ Your Library. We celebrate today’s libraries; they’re books and much more. Libraries are places of creativity, places where people meet to share their experiences, places to do research, to develop a hobby or a new interest, to use the internet, to get help with resumes and test-taking, places to pursue directions you never thought of taking. Libraries offer access to the services, tools, and technology essential to the economic and cultural lives of our communities.

What have you accomplished with the help of John Jay’s library and librarians? Did you research and write your term paper? Did you print it out in the library lab? Did you access library databases from home? Did you email, text, or call in a question? Did you find a reserve reading? Is the Library your everyday place for quiet study? Did you come upon a great new idea just by ruminating or contemplating? Let us in on your library experiences by tweeting to us at @johnjaylibrary!

Library as study space