The Library offers phone chargers, available to check out for in-Library use for a maximum of 3 hours. Go to the Circulation Desk on the Library's lower level or the Reference Desk on the upper level.
The Library offers phone chargers, available to check out for in-Library use for a maximum of 3 hours. Go to the Circulation Desk on the Library's lower level or the Reference Desk on the upper level.
The Library offers a variety of spaces: computer labs, reservable study rooms, shared tables, individual study carrels, and quiet study areas. Find a space that suits you best.
The Library offers a variety of spaces: computer labs, reservable study rooms, shared tables, individual study carrels, and quiet study areas. Find a space that suits you best.
No appointment necessary: reference desk librarians assist with questions about a topic or research assignment. When available, librarians are also staffing chatand respond to email queries during library regular hours.
No appointment necessary: reference desk librarians assist with questions about a topic or research assignment. When available, librarians are also staffing chatand respond to email queries during library regular hours.
Library Newsletter
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Library Newsletter
Dive into the pages of our library newsletter to stay informed and connected with the latest developments in our Library community!
Free Subscriptions: NYT & WSJ
Thanks to the efforts of the CUNY libraries, complimentary access to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal digital editions are now available to anyone with a valid email address.
Free Subscriptions: NYT & WSJ
Thanks to the efforts of the CUNY libraries, complimentary access to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal digital editions are now available to anyone with a valid email address.